1. General Provisions
1.1. These Regulations define the types, scope and conditions for the performing Internet services by Young Digital Planet, a joint stock company, headquartered in Gdynia, POLAND, Łużycka 3C, registered in the District Court in the National Court Register (KRS) under the number KRS 0000025716, having a tax identification number (NIP) 584-23-19-940, REGON 191604534, share capital of 4,028,700.00 PLN (share capital paid-up), hereinafter referred to as the “YDP”.
1.2. The terms used herein have the following meaning:
- Regulations – these Regulations of performing Internet services within the Website, referred to in art. 8 of the Act on electronic services, available free of charge and without interruption on the Website in a way that allows its acquisition, playback and consolidation;
- Website – a website available at www.ydp.eu, through which it is possible to use the services offered by the YDP;
- Service – service performed by the YDP defined in Section 2 of the Regulations;
- User – each person using the Website;
- Act on electronic services – the polish Act on the provision of electronic services of 18 July 2002 (Dz. U. No 144, pos. 1204);
- The Law on Personal Data Protection – the polish Law on Personal Data Protection of 27 August 1997 (Dz. U. of 2014., pos. 1182);
2. Types and Scope of Internet Services
2.1. The YDP allows to using the free Services through the Website, in which:
- allows to view the contents of the Website, in particular information about new products of the YDP, organized promotions, contests or training,
- provides a contact form that allows Users to contact the YDP,
- allows to receive the Newsletter after completing a subscription form for the Newsletter,
- allows to share the contents of the Website marked with “Share” by registered profile of the User in the social media pointed by YDP.
3. Conditions of Performing Internet Services
3.1. In order to use the Services the User should have an access to a computer or terminal device with Internet access and having an Internet Explorer version 11 or later, Firefox version 28.0 or later, or Chrome 32 or later and with enabled JavaScript and Cookies, subject to point 7.4.
3.2. The User who uses the Services cannot provide illegal content through the Website, particularly content that is offensive, calling for violence, calling for racial hatred, ethnic, religious, violates the rights of others, including pornographic content.
4. Conditions of Concluding and Termination the Agreement of Performing Internet Services
4.1. The agreement of performing Internet Services, referred to in point 2.1. of the Regulations shall be concluded for a fixed period of time upon:
- an access to the Website by the User – in the case of Services specified in point 2.1. a – b,
- a subscription to the Newsletter – in the case of Services specified in point 2.1. c,
- a sharing the contents of the Website marked with “Share” by User by his registered profile in the social media – in the case of Service specified in point 2.1. d.
4.2. The agreement of performing Internet Services, referred to in point 2.1. of the Regulations shall be terminated upon:
- a closure of the Website – in the case of Services specified in point 2.1. a – b,
- a resignation of receiving the Newsletter – in the case of Services specified in point 2.1. c,
- a discontinuation of displaying the contents on the registered profile of the User or a removal the shared contents from the registered profile of the User in the social media – in the case of Service specified in point 2.1. d.
4.3. The User is obliged to use the Website in a manner consistent with the Regulations and with the applicable law, in particular with respect for the rights of third parties or the YDP rights.
4.4. In case the User infringes point 4.2. of the Regulations the YDP has the right to take any action leading to compensation for the loss due to the damage and take all measures to restore the proper legal state and to prevent further violations in the future.
5. Complaints of Internet Services
5.1. The YDP takes action to ensure fully correct operation of the Website to the extent which results from the current technical knowledge and is obliged to remove irregularities declared by the Users pursuant to a complaint and recognized by the YDP within a reasonable period.
5.2. The User has the right to submit complaints on matters concerning the Services.
5.3. The User can submit a complaint of irregularities related to the functioning of the Website and the Services in writing form to the address: Young Digital Planet S.A., ul. Łużycka 3C, 81-537 Gdynia, POLAND, or by the e-mail to the address: info@ydp.eu or via the contact form available on the subpage of the Website at ydp.eu/contact.
5.4. In the complaint the User should provide his name, mailing address, type and date of irregularity.
5.5. The YDP is obligated to consider any complaint within 14 days of its receipt by the YDP or to inform the User in that period that consider the complaint within the specified period is not possible with the information when the complaint will be considered.
6. Copyrights
6.1. The content of the Website, including its content, form and design, and also material posted on the Website are protected under the polish Law on Copyright and Related Rights of 4 February 1994 (Dz. U. of 2006, no. 90, pos. 631) and other provisions generally applicable.
6.2. The Website, in whole or in part (in particular in the form of texts, documents, files, photos, videos) cannot be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic or mechanical), in particular by copying, photocopying, recording all kinds of data carriers or using other systems and means, without the express consent of the YDP, unless the Regulations provides otherwise.
6.3. Downloading and copying content of the Website is permitted solely for personal, non-commercial use, unless stated otherwise there.
6.4. Posting links to the Website or displaying content appearing on the Website on other websites, in particular sharing the contents marked with “Share” by the registered profile of the User in the social media, is acceptable as long as their placement:
- shall not affect the rights of the YDP,
- is not used for unlawful purposes,
- does not allow users of another website on which there is a link to the Website, to bypass restrictions applied by the Website, including not providing the content of the Website available to a specific group of Users,
- contains a clear indication of the source of the link or content,
- not be done in such way that the user of another website will have the impression that the Website contents are displayed on the website containing the link,
- not be done in such a way that may suggest third parties, in particular users of other websites where the link to the Website or the contents from the Website have been placed, a connection between User and YDP or YDP’s support for User, in particular e.g. for his products, views, opinions or services rendered by him.
6.5. The hot linking based on the Website is prohibited.
7. Privacy Policy
7.1. Because of the respect for the privacy of Users the YDP restricts the use and collection of the information to the minimum required to perform the Services through the Website at a high level.
7.2. In order to take advantage of some functionality of the Website it is necessary to provide personal data as name, phone number, mailing address or place of residence and/or e-mail. Consent to the personal data processing is voluntary, but their application in some cases is necessary to take advantage of the selected Service.
7.3. In order to take advantage of some functionality of the Website by legal persons and others organizations without legal personality it is necessary to provide data of the entity and the information on it, in particular a company (name) of the entity, registered office, mailing address, email address, telephone number, company size, job performed in the entity by person who provides data of the entity. The person who provides data of the entity can be a person who is empowered to make on behalf of that entity all activities necessitate providing data of the entity and the information on it.
7.4. The YDP informs that during each User visit on the Website his personal data are automatically collected, in particular IP address, browser type, operating system type.
7.5. The Website may also use their own or external Cookies, which as text files are stored locally from the Website in memory of the browser on the User’s computer and they are used to identify his browser. External Cookies are placed by third parties (such as e.g. Google, Facebook, SalesManago), whose functionality can be found on the Website. External Cookies management bases on rules defined by third parties. The User may delete the set of Cookies at any time and use the Website without using Cookies, but disabling Cookies may affect the functioning of the Website.
7.6. The YDP is the Users data administrator. Some activities in the field of data processing are entrusted, based on the contract, to the company: Benhauer Sp. z o. o. sp. k., headquartered in Kraków, POLAND, Krupnicza 3/2, registered in the District Court in the National Court Register (KRS) under the number KRS 0000395626, having a tax identification number (NIP): 6762447754, REGON: 122334666, hereinafter referred to as “Benhauer”, which performs services for the YDP related to the processing of personal data within the scope and purpose resulting from the performed services. Benhauer meets the conditions referred to in art. 31 of the Law on the Personal Data Protection and processes them to deliver services.
7.7. The YDP and Benhauer may process other personal data than data necessary to perform Services only with the prior consent of the User, in particular for purposes of advertising, market research and behavior and preferences of Users with use of the results of the study to improve the quality of Services performed by the YDP.
7.8. The YDP is in possession of operational data Users held by the YDP by the period of performing Services, and information about the beginning, end and scope of use of the Service. After completion of the Service, these data is anonymized and used for marketing and statistics purposes and for improve the delivery of Services.
7.9. User’s data can be used by the YDP for marketing purposes, in particular to send commercial information electronically to the e-mail address specified by the User, only with his consent. Then the e-mail address will only be used to send requested information. Consent to data processing for marketing purposes and to receive commercial information is not the conclusion of an agreement of providing the Services. Consent may be revoked at any time.
7.10. The User has the right to access their data and correct them, demands amend, update or correct the data, temporary or permanent suspension of their processing or removal them if they are incomplete, outdated, inaccurate or have been collected in violation of the law or are no longer necessary to achieve the objective for which they were collected, and also the User has the right to lodge a written request to cease processing of their data by e-mail: info@ydp.eu or through the contact form available on subpage of the Website at ydp.eu/contact.
7.11. The YDP secured personal database in a way that access to the information is limited. The information system is protected by a firewall. Only YDP employees receive an access to personal data for the purposes specified above. The YDP employees are trained with regard to the security and the personal data protection.
8. Information about Specific Risks Associated with the Use of Services
8.1. The YDP takes action to ensure the safety of use of Services, e.g. by preventing and removing any risks which are raised or may occur, particularly the risks referred to in points 8.3-8.7.
8.2. The YDP is obliged to currently inform Users through the Website about risks which are raised or may occurred associated with the use of the Website.
8.3. Trojan horses.
Trojan horses are computer programs that pretend to be useful but actually they cause damage. Trojan horses spread by opening a program by lured user who thinks that it comes from a credible source. Their goal is to gain access and control of user’s computer account.
8.4. Viruses.
Viruses are the computer codes that are attached to a program or a file, so they can gradually infect more computers. Each of visited computers become infected. Viruses can damage a software, hardware and files. In the case of infected the virus – without the user’s knowledge – sends itself to people whose addresses it found in the address book or in the history of correspondence. For remain hidden for long time virus gives false sender of message, usually also the address found in the victim’s e-mail program. A special anti-virus software installed either on the mail server and the user’s computer provides the best protection against viruses.
8.5. Spam.
These are unsolicited messages sent simultaneously to many recipients. Spam is a phenomenon detrimental in view of the fact that:
- causes clogging of the links and blocks place on hard disks,
- anti-spam processing takes time of servers, slowing their performance,
- causes a waste of time of individual Internet users because they have to read and delete unwanted messages, and also it is difficult to read normal messages and poses a risk of their loss (because of Spam blockers or overflow box) or missing (because of the “burial” incoming Spam) – in this way increases labor costs of people who using electronic mail in professional purposes,
- exposes Internet service providers and users on extra costs incurred in combating the scourge. Spam is also a method of shifting costs of promotion on Internet service providers and recipients of correspondence, and therefore it is a form of extortion,
- violates the privacy and security of customers, because it often contains content which they would not wish to watch, e.g. offensive, pornographic, inappropriate for children,
- is often associated with different types of viruses and other malicious software,
- causes a loss of confidence in electronic communication.
8.6. Worms.
A worm, like a virus, copies itself from one computer to another, but it does it automatically. First of all, it assumes control of functions of the computer which are liable of transport files or information. When the worm finds on the system, it spreads itself. A great danger associated with worms is their ability to replicate in great numbers. For example, a worm can send out copies of itself to all persons whose addresses are in the address book of e-mail – when their computers do the same thing, there emergence a domino effect which leads to congestion of corporate networks and across the Internet. New worms spread very quickly. They block network and can extend the time to show up websites on the Internet.
8.7. Phishing.
The method of fraud which involves falsely impersonating another person, company, institution trustworthy for purposes of extortion specific information (e.g. login information, especially passwords to access user’s account in order to “verify an account” or system, technical, programmatic changes.
9. Final Provisions
9.1. Regulations may be changed. Information about any changes with the time of their entry into force will be promptly published on the Website. Amendments to the Regulations do not infringe the rights acquired.
9.2. In matters are not regulated by the Regulations there applies provisions of the Act on electronic services and other relevant provisions of applicable law.